Quantifying liquidity and default risks of corporate bonds over the business cycle

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Quantifying liquidity and default risks of corporate bonds over the business cycle


(Longstaff, Mithal, and Neis 2005) 估计“non-default components” 占利差AAA 或 AA 的约 50%,Baa 的30%,且 non-default components of credit spreads are strongly related to measures of bond liquidity




  1. corporate bonds with higher credit ratings tend to be more liquid;
  2. corporate bonds are less liquid during economic downturns, especially for riskier bonds

一二级市场上的交互: 一方面,违约风险对公司债券的交易顺差和流动性折价有至关重要的影响。另一方面,更大的流动性折扣使公司对到期债务进行展期的成本更高,从而增加了违约的可能性。 当二级市场流动性恶化时,股权持有人更有可能违约,这反过来又会进一步恶化二级债券市场的流动性,以此类推。


在公司债券的结构模型中建立了场外搜索摩擦。 在模型中,企业违约决策与时变的宏观经济和二级市场流动性状况相互作用。



the interactions between liquidity and default risk account for 2540% of the observed credit spreads and up to 55% of the credit spread changes over the business cycle.As an application, we use this framework to quantitatively evaluate the effects of liquidity-provision policies for the corporate bond market

Longstaff, Francis A, Sanjay Mithal, and Eric Neis. 2005. “Corporate Yield Spreads: Default Risk or Liquidity? New Evidence from the Credit Default Swap Market.” The Journal of Finance 60 (5): 2213–53.