China's no-bailout reform: impact on bond yields and rating standards

3 minute read

China’s no-bailout reform: impact on bond yields and rating standards






Variable Name Definition
Issue Amount Gross amount of bond issue in billions of RMB
Maturity Years to bond maturity
Coupon Rate Coupon rate in percentage of bonds with fixed coupons
Treasury Spreads Difference (in %) between the bond yield to maturity and Chinese Treasury yield of similar maturity
Callable = 1 for callable bonds and 0 otherwise
Putable = 1 for putable bonds and 0 otherwise
Senior = 1 for senior bonds and 0 otherwise
Sinking Fund = 1 for bonds with sinking fund provision and 0 otherwise
Enterprise = 1 if WIND classifies as Enterprise Bond issues and 0 otherwise
MTN = 1 if WIND classifies as Medium-term Notes and 0 otherwise
Corporate = 1 if WIND classifies as Corporate Bond issues and 0 otherwise
Exchange = 1 if the bond is traded in Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock Exchange and 0 otherwise
Interbank =1 if the bond is traded in the interbank market and 0 otherwise
Rating An ordinal variable from 1 for AAA rating to 4 for AA- rating
GP_CRA = 1 for the three CRAs with global partnership (Lianhe_Fitch, Chengxin_Moody and Brilliance)
Central SOE = 1 if WIND classifies the issuer as a state-owned enterprise (SOE) by Chinese central government
LocalSOE = 1 if WIND classifies the issuer as a SOE by a Chinese local government and 0 otherwise
NonSOE =1 if WIND classifies the issuer as an entity other than SOE and 0 otherwise
Log Issuer Age Natural log of the age (in years) of the issuer at the time of bond issuance
Listed = 1 if the issuer has public traded equity and 0 otherwise
POST = 1 for bonds issued after March 4, 2014 and 0 otherwise
Equity Beta Market model equity beta estimated with daily stock returns from two years prior to the bond issuance
Market Model Error Market model residual standard error estimated with daily stock returns two years prior to the bond issuance
Log of Coverage Ratio Natural log of the three-year average interest coverage ratio prior to the bond issuance
Log of Market Cap Natural log of the market capitalization (in billion RMB) at the calendar year-end prior to the bond issuance
Long-term Debt Ratio Three-year average total long-term debt to total asset ratio prior to the bond issuance
Total Debt Ratio Three-year average total debt to total asset ratio prior to bond issuance
Market to Book Ratio Market to book ratio at the end of calendar year prior to bond issuance
Operating Profit Margin Three-year average operating profit margin (EBIT/Revenue) prior to bond issuance
Return on Equity Three-year average return on equity (net income/total equity) prior to bond issuance





对金融机构和国企用 DIDID 分析,发现超日债违约影响不大


